161 | President Bernie?

We talk about socialism in America: where it comes from, what it means, why it's so associated with Bernie Sanders and whether it can actually reach the White House.  What's the difference between democratic socialism and social democracy?  How would the workers gain control of businesses like Facebook and Amazon?  Who are the workers these days anyway?  Plus, we ask what a Sanders vs Trump contest would actually be like.  With Adom Getachew, from the University of Chicago, and Gary Gerstle.

97 | Socialism in this Country?

After John McDonnell said he was still committed to the socialist transformation of Britain, we ask what that might mean.  Does socialism really require the overthrow of capitalism?  What's the difference between socialism and communism?  And with successful Democratic candidates in the US starting to use the s-word in public, what does socialism have to offer in America?  Plus we talk about whether social media and social networks offer the possibility of a new kind of socialism for the twenty-first century.  With Helen Thompson, Chris Bickerton and Chris Brooke.

40 | Trump vs. Comey

We take stock of the latest developments in Washington as the heat intensifies on Trump and the leaking war continues.  What do the new revelations tell us about Trump's fitness to be president?  What do they tell us about the power struggles inside the administration?  We also take a step back to ask about the risks of any showdown between an elected president and the secret state.  Might Trump's fate set a precedent for any outsider who takes on the political establishment?  Do the Democrats need to be careful what they wish for?  Plus, in the week the UK parties start publishing their election manifestos, we ask: what's a manifesto worth anyway?  With Helen Thompson, Aaron Rapport and Chris Bickerton.

9 | President Trump

Still reeling, we gather round the table to talk about the election of President Trump, just a couple of hours after it actually happened. What does it mean for America, democracy and the world? We discuss what went wrong for Clinton, whether Bernie could have done better, and what explains the latest in the series of astonishing political events. All this on little or no sleep. The start of a much longer conversation, in the weeks and months to come.