222 | Michael Ignatieff on the Future of Democracy

A special live edition recorded in front of an audience in Cambridge: David talks to writer, broadcaster, academic and politician Michael Ignatieff about his personal experiences of democratic politics.  From his bruising time as Liberal party leader in Canada to his recent confrontations with the Orban government in Hungary, from climate change to populism, from Johnson to Trump, we discuss what's happened to
democracy and where he sees the grounds for hope.  A wide-ranging conversation about the good and the bad of contemporary politics.

99 | Trump Abroad

From the G7 to the Singapore summit, it's Trump's world: we just live in it.  This week we try to get some perspective on these spectacular events.  Is Trump's behaviour really unprecedented for an American president?  What is the point of the G7?  Where is his relationship with Kim heading?  Plus we compare with summits past: Nixon in China, Reagan & Gorbachev, or something new?  With Helen Thompson and Andrew Preston, who gives a Canadian view.  Next week: Grenfell.

18 | What Next For Labour?

After the attempt to relaunch Project Corbyn, we talk about what the future holds for the Labour Party. Is it on life support? Does it know where it stands on Brexit and the free movement of people? And how does its predicament compare to other centre-left parties around Europe and across the Atlantic? Including a special detour into Canada. With Helen, Maha, Finbarr and Chris (Bickerton). Next week: back over the border as we gear up for the inauguration of President Trump.