294 | Where is the Opposition?

We look past Covid and Brexit to ask where the long-term opposition to Johnson's government is going to come from. Can Corbynism remain a force in British politics, even without Corbyn? Is there room for a challenge to the Conservatives from the right? Will climate politics drive street protest politics or can it help the Greens? Plus we consider whether Nicola Sturgeon is really the leader of the opposition. With Helen Thompson and Chris Brooke.

293 | What's Next for France and Italy?

As we wait for a Brexit deal or no deal, we discuss what the next year might hold for French and Italian politics. What are Macron's prospects as he heads towards the next presidential election? Has Giorgia Meloni replaced Matteo Salvini as the leader of the Italian far right? And what chance of a return to political normalcy in either country? With Lucia Rubinelli and Chris Bickerton.

280 | Can Boris Survive Brexit?

This week we come back to Brexit and ask whether Boris Johnson has a good way out of the current negotiations with the EU over a trade deal. First we talk with Kenneth Armstrong, Professor of European Law, about the thinking and the reality behind the government's Internal Market Bill. Then David, Helen and Chris Brooke explore the politics of success and failure in the negotiations. Can the Union survive?  Does the government have a coherent strategy? And how much trouble is Johnson really in?

277 | Robert Harris and V2

A Sunday extra with the novelist Robert Harris to talk about the V2 campaign of terror against London during WII and the parallels with today.  Plus we discuss the big questions of counterfactual history - could Hitler really have won the war? - and we ask whether Boris Johnson is anything like his political heroes, Cicero and Churchill.

275 | The Incompetence of Boris Johnson

This week we talk about the politics of incompetence: when does it matter and when can politicians get away with it.  Have repeated u-turns during the pandemic damaged the government?  Has Nicola Sturgeon had a better crisis than Boris Johnson or is it just competence theatre?   Is the government's incompetence going to be enough to get Keir Starmer into Downing Street?  With Helen Thompson, Chris Brooke and Chris Bickerton.

223 | Blair's Labour and Johnson's Brexit

David and Helen catch up on the state of British politics, from Blair's advice to the Labour party on its 120th birthday to growing divisions in Johnson's Tory party.  Is there really a liberal progressive coalition in Britain?  Can Brexit deliver both free trade and levelling up?  And what does Cummings really want?  Plus we talk
about Helen's lecture on Britain, the EU and geopolitics: (listen here).