250 | What Just Happened at the New York Times?

In an extra episode, we're back with last week's guest Jonathan Shainin, Head of Opinion at the Guardian, so he can talk us through the big blow-up at the NYT.  What has it taught us about about the new battlegrounds in newspaper opinion?  Where does power now lie in newspaper offices?  And where does Jonathan draw the line between what can and can't be published?  In our next episode, voices on the ground in the US.

115 | Taming Trump

We talk with Bronwen Maddox, Director of the Institute for Government and former Washington bureau chief of the Times, about the latest revelations from inside Trumpworld.  With claims that the resistance has spread to the government, we ask whether it is ethical for administration officials to resist the elected president.  Is this about Trump's personality or his policies?  What precedent might be being set?  And are Obama's interventions in the mid-term elections helping?  Recorded at the Institute for Government with Helen Thompson.