224 | Super Tuesday Special: Biden's Back!

A special live edition recorded on the morning after Super Tuesday: we try to make sense of where the Democratic race now stands. How did Biden pull it off?  Is there a path back for Sanders?  And what role was Obama playing behind the scenes?  Plus we ask which strategy now makes sense for the general election and whether Trump has got the candidate he wants or the one he fears.  With Helen Thompson and Gary Gerstle, recorded at the McCrum Lecture Theatre in Cambridge.

211 | Monopoly and Muckraking

Gary Gerstle talks about the journalist who brought down a business empire, when Ida Tarbell went after the power of John D Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Corporation at the start of the twentieth century.  Could anyone do the same to Facebook or Amazon today?

195 | Impeach This!

We catch up with Gary Gerstle and Helen Thompson about the state of the Trump presidency, from and cover-ups to Syria and Ukraine. We ask what it would take for Republican senators to desert him and what the collateral damage is likely to be for the Democratic presidential candidates. Plus is Hillary really - really?! - back in the game?