114 | Labour's Fault Lines

Summer's over: politics is back!  This week we return to the mystery inside the enigma that is Brexit to ask where Labour now stands.  What is the big divide in the Labour movement: Is it MPs vs leader? Members vs voters?  Young vs old?  And what could a second referendum achieve anyway?  Plus we try to make sense of the fraught fight over the definition of anti-Semitism.  With Helen Thompson, Chris Bickerton and Waseem Yaqoob.

95 | The Politics of Mental Health

This week we discuss how and why mental health has become a growing political issue.  What are the differences in the way the political parties approach this problem?  Is it something that unites or divides people across generations and classes?  And what can politicians do to help us cope?  Plus we talk about whether politics itself has become a more stressful job than it used to be.  With Helen Thompson and Chris Brooke.

92 | What's wrong with GDP?

We talk with economist Diane Coyle about what's wrong with our main measure of economic performance and how it impacts on politics. She tells us what we're missing in our measures of economic activity and she explains how we could do it better.  Plus we discuss whether the unemployment figures still tell a true picture of the world of work and we ask whether the dollar's days as the global reserve currency may be coming to an end.  Numbers and why they matter.  With Helen Thompson and Chris Bickerton.

89 | The End of the Party?

The Conservative Party now has barely 70,000 members, most of them aged over 60. Meanwhile Labour has over half a million, many of them young.  What does this mean for the future of British politics?  Can a party survive without members?  Can Labour negotiate the divisions within its ranks?  And what room is there for a new party of the centre?  With Helen Thompson and Chris Bickerton.

88 | James Meek on the NHS

David talks to journalist and novelist James Meek about his epic new study of the NHS in crisis.  They discuss the ideas behind a generation of NHS reforms, the meaning of efficiency and the challenge of caring for an ageing population.  What does the future hold - Japanese-style robotics or explosive politics and intergenerational strife?  Read the essay in the current edition of the LRB - https://bit.ly/2IpapQv