138 | What Now?

After the crushing defeat for Theresa May's deal in the Commons, we try to work out where we go from here.  How and when can Article 50 be extended?  What would it mean for parliament to take control of the process?  Do we need another general election?  Can this government survive?  It's all connected and we search for the path through the maze.  With Helen Thompson, Chris Bickerton and Kenneth Armstrong.

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122 | How Bad Could it Get?

As crunch time approaches, we talk through some worst-case Brexit scenarios: for the government, for the economy, for Remainers, for Europe.  Have the negotiations been a humiliation for Britain?  Is the Tory Party facing an existential crisis?  And what might go wrong if the marchers for a 'people's vote' got their way?  Plus we speculate about what a no-deal Brexit would mean for Britain's service economy.  With Diane Coyle, Helen Thompson and Chris Bickerton.

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