317 | After Merkel, What?

We talk to Hans Kundnani about the prospects for German politics in the run-up to September's federal elections, now that the cast list of possible successors to Merkel is known. Can Laschet escape from her shadow and does he want to? Would a Green led government be radically different from the alternatives? Is the age of the 'grand coalition' over? Plus we consider the historical parallels, from Bismarck to Adenauer to Kohl: do long-serving leaders ever manage a successful transition?

230 | Co-operation or Conflict?

This week we try to assess whether the Covid-19 pandemic is driving the world together or pushing it further apart.  From US-China relations to tensions within the EU, we discuss how coronavirus is exacerbating existing tensions and how it might overcome them.  Are we going to see new forms of international co-operation?  What does it mean for globalisation?  And is the politics of competence making a comeback? With Helen Thomson and Hans Kundnani from Chatham House.