66 | Brexit and the Universities

After some Tory politicians have started asking for details of what lecturers are saying about Brexit, we're joined this week by regular panellist Chris Bickerton to talk about what it's like being a pro-Brexit academic in an anti-Brexit university.  Plus we catch up with Helen Thompson and Chris Brooke on where they think the Brexit negotiations have reached and what chance they see of a successful outcome.  We also revisit Catalonia to discuss the latest developments there.  Is Madrid winning, and what might that mean for the EU?

36 | The Tory Machine

What makes the Conservatives so good at winning elections - the most successful party in modern political history?  Is it money?  Leadership?  Luck?  We talk with Helen Thompson, Chris Brooke and Aaron Rapport about Tory successes and failures and we explore some of the inbuilt quirks of the UK electoral system.   Plus we answer some questions posed to us by listeners: How is Mayism different from Milibandism?  And what hopes for a progressive alliance?