159 | David King on Climate Repair

An extra episode in our climate season: we talk to Sir David King, former Chief Scientific Advisor to the British government, about what's now known about the scale of the threat and the urgency of the need for action. What has happened since the Paris agreement? What is the Chinese government most afraid of? What is the meaning of Extinction Rebellion? And is it time to start talking about refreezing the poles to repair the damage already done?

65 | John Gray

David talks to writer and philosopher John Gray about pretty much everything, from the Corbyn cult to the craziness of cryogenics.  John tells us how to make the connections between technology, populism and religion and he explains why the worst may be still to come.  Plus we ask whether democracy is really finished.  A conversation about the big stuff, recorded in the stationery cupboard at the London Review of Books.