240 | Lockdownonomics

David and Helen talk to the economist Diane Coyle about the long-term consequences of lock-down, for the economy, for society and for our well-being.  How can we measure the costs?  Who are likely to be the
biggest losers?  And what will it mean for how we structure our economies in future?  Plus we discuss what will happen if we pull back from global supply chain and we ask whether inflation is on its way.

225 | Superforecasting

We talk to David Spiegelhalter, Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, about the science of forecasting.  Who or what are the superforecasters?  How can they help governments make better decisions?  And will intelligent machines ever be able to outdo the humans at seeing into the future?   From Cummings to coronavirus, a conversation about the knowns, unknowns and what lies beyond that.