313 | How's Biden Doing?

70 days into the first 100 days we take the temperature of the Biden presidency and ask how he's doing, and how he's doing so much. What made sleepy Joe such an active president? Is it him or the people around him? And how should the Republicans respond? Plus we discuss what it would take to restore America's standing in the world - does anyone want that anyway? With Helen Thompson and Gary Gerstle.

59 | Pax Technica

John Naughton talks to Philip Howard of the Oxford Internet Institute about whether the digital revolution has been good or bad for democracy.  Will the Internet of Things usher in an era of universal peace or universal surveillance?  What happened to the hopes of tech liberation that came with the Arab Spring?  Is there anything we can do about fake news?  A fascinating conversation between two recovering utopians about the past, present and future of the internet age.

57 | The Year Ahead

As the summer winds down, David and Helen talk about what the coming political year might have in store.  Is talk of a new UK political party just hot air?  What does Angela Merkel’s likely success in the German elections mean for European politics?  Will Trump’s presidency ever lose its power to shock?  Plus, we discuss who else might be on our political radars in twelve months time.

Thanks! D

43 | The Corbyn Surge?

With a week to go, and the polls tightening, we ask what Corbyn is doing right and what May is doing wrong.  Is Corbyn riding a wave like the one that got Bernie Sanders close to the White House?  Or are May's troubles more about Tory weaknesses?  Plus we discuss the missing international dimension to the campaign.  After Merkel declared that Europe could no longer rely on a Trump-led United States, why is our Brexit election still so focussed on domestic issues?  With Aaron Rapport, Maha Rafi Atal and Chris Bickerton.

42 | Tim O'Reilly and the WTF Economy

We speak to Silicon Valley publisher, entrepreneur and guru Tim O'Reilly about what technology means for the future of politics and society.  A short conversation about the biggest questions: How do we get from a world of jobs to a world of meaningful work?  How can politics keep up with technological innovation?  How can we re-set our basic social arrangements without a war?  Recorded at the Computer Labs in Cambridge.

37 | Thomas Piketty

We're joined by internationally best-selling economist Thomas Piketty, author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century, to talk about the French elections and what inequality is doing to democratic politics.  Recorded a few days before the 2nd round of the French presidential vote, we discuss Macron vs. Le Pen, the failure of mainstream social democracy, and why Brexit was such a gamble.  We also talk about what needs to be done to reform the EU.  With Hugo Drochon.