193 | Cameron's Referendum

David and Helen take a step back to unpick the tortuous history of how we got to the Brexit referendum in the first place. Does the justification Cameron offers in his new memoirs stack up? What was he trying to achieve? And why did we end up with an in/out vote when the political risks were so great? A conversation linked to David's review of Cameron's book in the current 40th anniversary issue of the LRB. https://www.lrb.co.uk

72 | Deal or No deal

This week we try to work out who's up and who's down in the great game of European politics.  Has May won anything significant in the Brexit deal?  Is Merkel any nearer to forming a government?  Is Macron the big winner from recent events?  Plus we ask what prospect of Martin Schulz getting his United States of Europe, and what chance now of Jeremy Corbyn making it to No 10.  With Helen Thompson, Chris Brooke and Chris Bickerton.


60 | The Mystery of Germany

 We talk with historian Chris Clark and Helen Thompson about whether German politics is as stable as it seems.  With the federal election coming up in a few days, and Angela Merkel seemingly on course for another comfortable victory, we ask what could happen next.  Why would a Jamaican coalition be bad for France?  What's going on in Bavaria?  And is East vs West still the central division in German politics?  Plus we catch up with the other general election taking place this weekend - in New Zealand.

57 | The Year Ahead

As the summer winds down, David and Helen talk about what the coming political year might have in store.  Is talk of a new UK political party just hot air?  What does Angela Merkel’s likely success in the German elections mean for European politics?  Will Trump’s presidency ever lose its power to shock?  Plus, we discuss who else might be on our political radars in twelve months time.

Thanks! D

39 | The Meaning of UKIP

After UKIP’s dreadful performance in the local elections we ask about the historic legacy of Nigel Farage’s party.  How big was its role in taking the UK out of the EU?  Will UKIP turn out to be the gateway drug for turning Labour supporters into Conservatives?  How do its fortunes compare with the Front National in France?  Plus we catch up on the latest development across the Channel and discuss the prospects for Macron’s presidency.  Can he find a solution to the perennial problem that hangs over French politics: Germany?  With Helen Thompson, Hugo Drochon, Chris Bickerton and Chris Brooke.

38 | Michael Gove

We catch up with Michael Gove, one of the leaders of the Brexit campaign, to ask how he feels about the future of Europe now. What difference will a Macron presidency make?  Will Theresa May have more of a mandate than any other European leader when it comes to the Brexit negotiations?  And how does he feel today about his notorious remark that 'the people of this country have had enough of experts'?